Sue Neill-Fraser’s conviction is wrong. Demand a Royal Commission. Sue needs you.

Come to a RALLY on Saturday 27 January 11am to 1pm, Parliament Gardens. Hear why a Commission of Inquiry is needed to get to the truth of what happened on Australia Day 2009.
Speakers include:
- Sydne Ketcham - Mother of Sue’s first husband
- The Reverend John Langlois – Anglican Minister
- Peter Lavac – Criminal defence barrister, New South Wales
Enquiries: 0407 547 78
Sue Neill-Fraser spent 13 years of a 23-year sentence for allegedly murdering her longtime partner Bob Chappell, she was released on parole in 2022. She wears an ankle bracelet and has continuing restrictions imposed on her location and activities. The fight to clear Sue’s name is not over, she was wrongfully convicted and her supporters are determined to keep up the fight to address the injustice.
Sue’s Trial was an entirely circumstantial case – no witnesses, no body, no motive, no murder weapon, no forensics against Sue while plenty of missed evidence and other suspects who were not investigated. Bob’s body has never been found. Despite this, there was an elephant in the court room – a large volume DNA sample found on the deck of the yacht – DNA that proves someone else was aboard. The owner of the DNA lied about her whereabouts. And police ignored her and her associates.
The Tasmania Police investigation was deeply flawed, devoid of accepted crime scene principles and procedures, and thorough crime scene analysis. The forensics were problematic. Police just cherry-picked what forensics they wanted. Witnesses were mistaken. Some lied, others were never identified or followed up. Tunnel vision was rampant, early in the investigation and continues today. Key exhibits remain untested.
The justice system has failed Sue. The jury were presented with speculation on how Bob was killed and what murder weapon was used. An eye witness has now broken her silence and in 2019 said on national TV that she was there and saw how her ex-boyfriend bludgeoned Bob Chappell. Unfortunately the witness has been unreliable, often changing her story. However nothing changes one fact: her DNA at the crime scene confirms her presence.
Despite Sue being granted a new right to appeal in 2015, her appeal process dragged on for over 5 years and was finally heard in March 2021, with a judgement going against her in November 2021. One judge dissented, so it was 2:1. Her probono legal team have applied for Special Leave to Appeal to the High Court of Australia and this will proceed in coming weeks. If successful she will then wait months to have the full appeal heard by the High Court.
Books and films are helping to provide the untold story. Southern Justice is a must read. Undercurrent TV seres exposes the truth – now on 7Plus and on Discovery+. has published over 140 articles on Sue’s case. Eminent lawyers have claimed this is the worst miscarriage of justice in Australia.
The case must be INDEPENDENTLY investigated and the real perpetrators charged and convicted. The evidence and information is compelling. A judicial inquiry/Royal Commission would be able to methodically explore how the police and legal system failed Sue and to identify any malpractice.
2013 Robert Richter QC and Greg Barnes SC wrote to the former Attorney-General seeking an inquiry. Rejected.
2017 Robert Richter QC, Eve Ash and Colin McLaren presented a detailed dossier to the Premier of Tasmania, the Acting AG and the Solicitor General, seeking the appointment of an Independent Commission of Inquiry headed by an interstate Judge with respected and experienced interstate homicide police investigators. Rejected.
2019 Civil Liberties Australia called for a Royal Commission.
2021 Barrister Hugh Selby and Sue Neill-Fraser’s former lawyer Barbara Etter presented a number of detailed documents detailing investigation flaws and non-disclosure by police and prosecutors, seeking intervention by AG Elise Archer. See August 2021 exposé of articles on Andrew Urban’s Wrongful Convictions Report
Sue is in her declining years, she is now in a wheel chair. Her partner was murdered, 13 years have been taken from her, along with property and reputation.
She needs her life back, to be back with her family, enjoy seeing her grandchildren and spending time with her friends.
PETITION FOR INDEPENDENT JUDICIAL INQUIRY: Please sign the petition and encourage others to sign. (Getting close to 35,000 signatures!)
Write directly seeking an Independent Judicial Inquiry to:
The Tasmanian Attorney-General, the Hon. Guy Barnett MP guy.barnett@parliament.tas.
The Premier, The Hon. Jeremy Rockliff
Shadow Attorney General the Hon. Ella Haddad
Ask politicians to stop turning a blind eye to this travesty:
Cassy O’Connor MP (Greens) and Rebecca White MP (Labor Party).
Send an email to Sue Neill-Fraser

High Noon at High Court – Sue Neill-Fraser refused leave to appeal >
The controversial, five year old charge of perverting justice against Hobart solicitor Jeff Thompson was dropped >
CORRUPTION FILE: A trial derailed by sloppiness inside the Prosecutor’s office, in the Sue Neill-Fraser >
Witness to Bob Chappell murder breaks 10 year silence | 60 Minutes Australia >